So about three weeks or so ago, I received these Chanel inspired flats in the mail. I found them on in the sale section for $5-$10, such a steal. They looked so much different online than they do in person. (online they looked like old granny shoes, Tee Hee). I don’t know if they are still on the site but the brand is Tallulah Blu. If you like them i suggest you get a pair. The quality of these flats are amazing and they don’t feel cheap in any way. ( I know what a cheap flat feels like, since i owned a lot of them). The only down side is I thought they were white and black (that’s how they looked online) and they ended up being a really light pink and black. I will have to find/ figure out an outfit to wear with these baby’s. P.S. My sister said she saw a pair just like these at Forever21