Hello my lovely friends! I thought i would put together a little collage of everything i love. Like this is literally me in a nut shell and viewing this Blog i know you can tell. So lets get into everything i love and in the comment section below, tell me everything you love.
1. Starbucks Drinks:
When it comes to Starbucks drinks, i am a cold drink person. That being said, there is really only three drinks i am most likely order at Starbucks and they are… Green Tea Frappuccino, White Chocolate Frappuccino and Passion Tea.
2. Nike Dunk Sky High
I am more of a sneaker person than a high heel person. So to look more dressed up and put together, I go for these wedge sneakers. (i would really wear these to a business meeting) These are the best thing ever invented. I do recommend the Nike version because they feel good on your feet standing, for long periods of time.
3. MAC Rebel Lipstick
This is my DIVA lip color and i really feel like a BOSS wearing it. A lot of the times i will put this lipstick on, through on my aviators, grab my purse and keys and head out the door. They are perfect for those non makeup days. PS: I have done this in a couple of blog post 😉
4. Aviator Sunglasses
In topic number three i kind of touched on this love, But there is more to talk about. This is one of the only sunglasses styles i have found that really works, with my big face. I think that is why i have 3 pairs that kind of looks the same. PS: I really want Ray Ban ones
5. Nude by Rihanna
This perfume is everything you would need. It smells kind of fruity and light floral and powdery. I wear this every time i go out. So i would say this is a daytime smell. i really need like 10 backups!
Here is a link to read more about the smell and notes.
6. Gold Door Knockers Earrings
My all time favorite kind of earrings. These earrings are a staple and if they are a style you like always buy backups. I know Forever21 sells them for like really cheap, so check that out. PS: I am looking for a Gold Name necklace but i don’t know were to go or who to trust!
7. Hello Kitty
This little Kitty has been my love since i was a kid. I always had to have everything hello kitty. But don’t get me wrong i love the gang too. When i moved i had to let go of a lot of my hello kitty collection. So i will be trying to build that up again.
8. Striped clothing
I am obsessed with striped clothing. I have striped cardigans, shirts and even jeans. For some reason i love the way stripes look on me. PS: I stick to dark colored stripes though and the cardigan in the picture above is my all time fave.
9. Damask Print
This is my favorite all time print for furniture and decorations. I love its detailed simplicity.
10. Gold Chained bags
I wanted this bag ever since i seen the classic Chanel bag as a kid. But i still cant afforded the real thing, so i buy look a likes. They are my all time fave style and if i ever get a change to design my own, you guys will know some aspect of it already.
11. Kiss Nails
I have really short nails and i cant be going to the nail salon everything i need fresh nails. So my love are these Kiss 100 Full Cover Nails in Active Square med. length. I have been using this brand since i was in high school and have even tried the toe nail one.
12. Victoria Secret Love Spell spray
This was my signature scent for YEARS!I started wearing this in 8th grade/freshman year and it smelt good and stuck with me tell this day.